Picture Sorter


With Picture Sorter a user can open a directory that contains pictures and then easily categorize them into subdirectories. Category names can be assigned to keys 0-9, for instance like this:

or like this:

When the user opens a directory, the first picture will be shown to the user. By pressing one of the keys, the picture will be moved into a directory named after the category. Then, a new picture will be shown. This process repeats until all pictures are categorized or until the user closes the program.

Download for Windows

Version 0.8 is the latest release of Picture Sorter. It was released on July 5, 2015. Download Picture Sorter 0.8 for Windows.

SHA256 (picturesorter-0.8-win.zip) = cb24083eb3e5cdfe57c255817a25f7d8531aa717a5b8457cc88f021a6800b995

Installation instructions for Windows

  1. Download Picture Sorter.
  2. Extract the ZIP file somewhere in your home directory.
  3. Either:

Installation instructions for other operating systems

Picture Sorter only depends on Qt (version 4.8 and 5.x are supported). As such, it runs on a wide variety of operating systems, including OpenBSD and Linux. Clone the Git repository (see below) and follow the instructions in the README file to compile and run Picture Sorter.

Project goals

The goals of this project are to:

Getting the source code

The source code is available in a Git repository: git://git.schutijser.com/cschutijser/picturesorter.git

Copyright © 2015 Caspar Schutijser <caspar _at_ schutijser _dot_ com>